Monday, May 24, 2010

Simple Fathers Day Gifts

If there’s one thing in life you can always count on, it’s your parents. No matter what happens you know mom and dad will stick by you, they’ll forgive you when it’s least likely that anyone else will and they’ll always believe in you and that’s a lot to be thankful for. What few people realize is that while they may openly show affection towards their mothers and pamper her like nuts on Mothers day, they consistently ignore their dads and very few actually celebrate Fathers day. This year try and set things right and celebrate fathers day with your dad, in style.
Since so few people actually celebrate fathers day and many might be doing it for the first time, you’ll need help to get through it. Unlike moms, dads are easier to shop for. All they want is something nice and simple. Most people will suggest car and auto related gifts but your dad won’t get a kick out of a gift like that unless he gets to criticize the heck out of it and that’s bound to dampen things on the holiday.

Instead of going for these cliché gifts, just give your dad something he can enjoy or something that’ll make his life easier. It’s best that you give him a gift he can use because if what you give your dad is useless or requires him to learn to use it, the chances that it ends up in the trash or being re-gifted are high and since you’re trying to make dad feel as appreciated as mom, this is one outcome you want to avoid.

A failsafe gifts for dads is fathers day gift baskets. It’s pretty much like the breakfast in bed deal you do for your mom only instead of being given food in bed; you treat your dad to a nice eating experience. The eating experience doesn’t necessarily have to be at a fancy restaurant, remember, dads are happy with something simple. You could make him a special meal at home, all of his favorites for breakfast, lunch and dinner or treat him to something new that he’s never tasted before like a seafood delicacy.

If you can’t cook yourself and the eating out experience seems a bit expensive, find edible gifts online. Try something healthy and tasty like fruit baskets or fruit bouquets. Fathers day fruit bouquets are usually the better option because they’re healthy and absolutely delicious. They aren’t the ordinary fathers day gift baskets and they’re that simple little something that most dads would love to receive. Fruit bouquets are fresh fruit sculptures that you can have delivered to your dad’s doorstep on any given day of the week. They have all kinds of fruit like strawberries, pineapples, apples, oranges, bananas, kiwis and grapes. You have the option to dip the strawberries, pineapples and other fruits in chocolate sauce. The fruit arrangements look like flowers in bloom and as opposed to the ordinary steak dinner that you could treat your dad to, the fruit bouquet would be the unique yet simple thing that he’d love.

Don’t forget to add a card with whatever gift you give your dad and if you can’t visit him on Fathers day, be sure to drop him a little call because it’ll mean the world to him.